Friday, September 14, 2007

a strange paradox

The non-profit student travel company that I work for recently moved 27 miles from a north Dallas office to a growing and affluent community in McKinney. There is nothing more paradoxical in my life than entering a property surrounded with a low stone wall similar to what you would find in the English countryside and walking into the double wide trailer that is our new office. This is a picture of the other buildings near our lovely "mobile mini."
Now don't get me wrong...I think it is quite appropriate that our company work out of a trailer in the midst of such a gorgeous complex. For this group of people gathered by God to inspire students to do His work, everyday is a reminder of the humility that is required in such a ministry. Just as our Savior did not come to be served, but to serve, so are we to be servants to an arrogant, but dying world.

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