Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Old to New: Ironing Board Cover

My ironing board must be nearly vintage. No, it's not that old, but it - or at least its cover - has seen better days. I bought it at a garage sale the summer before Heath and I were married. I always meant to get a new cover for it because even then it was well worn and faded, but thought registering for one was not at all romantic. So, I never got around to getting one. And it has been looking very sad lately and getting worse and worse. It developed a small hole which I managed to make bigger nearly every time I used the board. See, I use my ironing board for much more than ironing when I am sewing. It turns into my table, too. As I would cut out material, my scissors began snagging the tiny hole and making it ever larger. To make matters worse, during my Onesie Project, I accidentally ironed some adhesive onto the cover. So now part of the cover was unusable as everything stuck to it. Here are some pictures of my well worn, discolored, holey ironing board cover.

All of this is why I desperately needed to either make myself a new cover or buy one. I was in the mood last night to make one, so I tried out this Ironing Board Cover Tutorial by Sew4Home. I only used one kind of fabric, rather than the two they suggested, which made my cover much less complicated to make. I like the simpler look, too. Two fabrics would have been too busy for my taste. I also like that it matches my new sewing machine cover. So someday if I have a sewing room/space, they'll look so nice together!


Mom said...

I love that you are willing to try anything! Much braver than me!!

Rosa said...

Wow! Awesome job Kristen. I really like that fabric. :-)

Shantel said...

Oooooh, very nice!!! It looks fabulous!